The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 51 No.1 | June 2024
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the London Docks, were processed by immigrant Jewish girls, within a 1 square mile of east end London. They became plumes, pom-poms, or quills, as decorations to costumes and outfits. They earned 2 shillings per day. Marilyn – Also had ancestors involved with earthquakes, research, buildings, and earthquake preparations. Most of her ancestors were Navy or Navy related. Engineers - Suppliers and maintenance. Robert – Shared his textile ancestor. Roland Fulton (Roly). Born in London he was descended from woollen weavers. Later he rented properties around Hampshire. He was interested in Technology and had ambition but illnesses, and circumstances prohibited. His Father an Indigo merchant, a dye used on fabrics. Roly later worked for Shell in Ceylon until synthetic dyes took over. Jan – Described how in her family occupations were passed down. They were Tailoring before 1729 in Dinton, Wiltshire. The next son, born 1760, became a vestry clothier as shown on 1841 census, aged 80. Elayne – Obtained a breakdown of all her family occupations from the Apple Family Tree Software. Occupations ranged from labourers to coach painters (Coats of Arms), Vintners, Clerks, until Grandfather becomes An Accountant at the Tax Office. Problems showed up with the application recording christening dates, residences into occupation schedule. It just shows, as a warning, how our Family trees can get distorted by subsequent updating of Software Packages and transference of information via GEDCOM over the years. A lesson to recheck all our data regularly. (April) A son of Hardway Gosport - Captain Peter Cassandra Celestine Callaghan – John Hoar The family painting of Peter Callaghan inspired John to find out all about his life and career in the merchant navy. John had known the painting all his life and inherited it so he became more intrigued and carried out extensive research. Peter Cassandra Celestine Callaghan, born Hardway, Gosport, 7th January 1854, was the brother of John’s Great Grandmother. His father, born Dublin, had a colourful past before becoming a Chelsea Pensioner. Peter didn’t marry and had no descendants. His career in the Merchant Navy spanned Australia, Russia, San Francisco, and Europe, with a career sailing on commercial ships, sometimes taking half a year or more to transport a cargo from the Southern Hemisphere. John pieced together Peter’s ships, journeys, and promotions. The story of a mutiny whilst on the Star of Russia and subsequent rumours was very interesting. Peter was a First Mate at the time. He later went onto the new steam ships and became a Master of Tankers, travelling to Hamburg. This was the final record of him in 1907. John hasn’t found a death or subsequent records for Captain Peter, Cassandra, Celestine, Callaghan. The whole story of this man and his father would make a good Holywood film! It just shows how much information can be gleaned about our ancestors to put “flesh on the bones” and create the history for our descendants. John researched the Merchant Navy records and the War Dept Fleet Records, at TNA.
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