The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 51 No.1 | June 2024
News from the Hampshire Archives
School, Basingstoke, (headteacher Muriel Pink), 1950s; small album of portrait photographs, nd (late 19th century); detailed list of all items provided (26A24) Bishops Waltham deeds: deeds and plans, including copy court rolls relating to copyhold orchard and land in Bishops Waltham, 1736 1921; lease of a parcel of land in Swanmore Green, Droxford, 1832 (29A24) Ashley Clinton game book: game book recording game taken or shot on the Ashley Clinton Estate, New Forest, 1863-1873 (33A24) Farnborough deeds: copy deeds and documents relating to property known as Westcliffe Cottage [81 Peabody Road, North Camp], Farnborough, 1875-1954 (34A24) Overton Manor: Copies of court roll relating to property called Bridges, in the tithing of Southington, Overton manor (Winchester Bishopric manor), 1748-94 (38A24) Clubs and Societies Meon Shore Chalet Owners Association: minutes of committee meetings, 1950-71, 1993-2020; minutes of the initial meetings then AGM minutes, 1949-91, and annual balance sheets, 1949-90; AGM minutes and accounts, 1990-2005, 2006-19; Association rules, 1950-4; details of hut owners, 1957-63; schedule of deeds and documents relating to land at Meon Shore, 2004; correspondence files, 1949-2010 (20A24) Fleet Pond Society: Fleet Pond Society newsletters, editions 113-185, 2006-2024; pamphlet, 'A History of Fleet Pond', 2012 (102A19) Alresford Bowling Club: minutes of
meetings, 1937-46, 1950-2022 (5 vols and 2 files); property and trustee deeds, 1950s-80s; account books (3 vols), 1942-62; a short history of the club, c1990s, and an article entitled 'Lofty's Legacy - Alresford Bowling Club', c1988, both by Lesley Drew; assorted illustrated bills and interesting receipts, 1938 53; two quotations, 1940; membership application form, 1937; fixtures and membership cards, 1947-2023; score card, 1939; letter concerning the purchase of the Bowling Club's Green, 1983 (30A24) Lymington Women’s Institute: committee minute books, 2009-2022; record books, 2005-2012 (37A24) Stubbington and Hill Head History Society: constitution of the Society with notes on its history; minutes of committee meetings, 2003-18; minutes of AGMs, 2001-18; newsletters, c2003-11 (incomplete); collected local history material, including research notes, transcripts, and a handful of original title deeds, 20th century (125A06 awaiting cataloguing) Photographs and postcards Pharoah of Portchester: Portchester illustrations: photographs, postcards, prints of sketches and engravings, etc., featuring Portchester, gathered by the late Norman Pharoah of Portchester, late 18th-early 20th centuries (14A24 awaiting cataloguing) Buriton hop pickers photographs: copy photographs (black and white and colour) of hop pickers at Buriton, c1947-52 (17A24) Basingstoke slides: colour slides of Basingstoke town centre, taken from a cherry picker from the Town Hall and Station
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