The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 50 No.3 | Dec 2023

Local Group Programmes

Why do we have parish churches at all, and how did they develop? Were there local churches when the Romans were here? Are there any links between the sites chosen for Christian churches and the pagan sites used for worship in earlier times? All these and many more questions are answered in this fully illustrated talk. Discover what a Saxon church looked like inside and out, and what form worship took for ordinary villagers. This talk is relevant to any part of England but draws most of its illustrations from Hampshire, Sussex and Wiltshire.

Contact: Organisers: Fiona Ranger and Kay Lovell Email:

All meetings are via Zoom and at various UK times to allow overseas members to join in, National Group

Group Co-Organisers are Fiona Ranger and Kay Lovell. All meetings via Zoom at 7:30pm Forthcoming Meetings:

January 10th 2024, 7:30 pm: Family History on a Budget David Ennifer Many people are put off by the cost of using family history subscription sites and paying for expensive certificates. This talk covers alternative ways of accessing records, both from the UK and overseas. David aims to advise us how to access free sites that we may not already know about and those that charge just a modest fee. The talk will also cover the both the use of software and the advantages of collaboration with other researchers will be highlighted, using examples and illustrations . March 6th 2024, 7:30 pm: What’s in a Name? Unusual Forenames in the 19th Century Debbie Bates Researching civil registration records leads to the realisation that some parents took a less than traditional approach to naming their offspring. Discover some of the quirky names in birth records, and what they reveal about the times, and the communities, our ancestors lived in.

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