The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 50 No.3 | Dec 2023
Local Group Programmes
those of 20 minutes or more attracting the Germans, which would put her in grave danger. She was the last remaining operator in Paris and refused to leave as it would leave Paris without an agent. She was taken to jail in Germany but gave her name as Norah Baker, born in London. She was murdered in Dachau. There is a memorial in Gordon Square and in the Cloisters in Beaulieu Abbey Forthcoming Meetings:
December 14th Christmas Social January 18th
The Role of the Workhouse in the 19th Century Judy Hill – Zoom
The 1939 Register
February 15th
Peter DeDulin – Zoom Toni Neobard – Zoom
DNA, the Leeds Method
March 14th
Contact: Organisers: Fiona Ranger and Kay Lovell Email:
All meetings are via Zoom and at various UK times to allow overseas members to join in, International Group
Forthcoming Meetings:
D ecember 2nd 10:00 am: [GMT] Young Dickens and How He 'Invented' Christmas Ian Porter – via Zoom
The talk starts with Dickens' early life before he became a writer, then you hear of his writing success and fame not leading to financial stability and thus his need to write a money-spinner, which turned out to be A Christmas Carol. I then change tack to give a brief history of Christmas prior to Victorian Times, before linking it with Dickens, and how he was important in bringing about some of the aspects of modern Christmases that we still enjoy today. February 7th 2024, 8:00 pm: [GMT] Georgian Southampton: Spas, Stagecoaches and Highwaymen Andy Skinner During the 18th century Southampton grew into a prosperous spa resort. Discover its story in this talk based on the town in the Georgian era. April 6th 2024, 10:00 am: [BST] The Birth of the English Parish Church: from Romans to Normans Frances Hurd
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