The Hampshire Family Historian | Vol.49 No.3 | December 2022


Research report

Errata On page 50 of the September journal the searchers article for the Boyett family has the wrong contact details. We have been working closely with HRO and have taken part with them in Hampshire Heritage Day and also their Saturday opening day, which was a trial run for possible HRO Since our last report we have been exceptionally busy here at HRO. The team working on up-dating our Catalogue have now completed this work and the new Catalogue, now renamed The Reference Library, is now on the website. We are always happy to look up references for you, if you are unable to visit the office. Come and see us, we are here to help with queries etc. We are also close to uploading the new ‘unwanted’ certificates list, copies of which can be obtained from our office at a small cost. A big thank you to the volunteers who have worked hard on these for many months. Our volunteers also continue all their other work on answering queries both in the office and remotely, as well as work on other indexes. We have welcomed the Basingstoke group to come and look at what we do here at HRO and also looking forward to welcoming the Andover group. If your group would like to look around HRO and HGS to see what we offer please do contact us at

opening on Saturdays in 2023. Our Bookstall is now up and running again and has been present when we welcomed groups, the Heritage Day and the HRO trial Open Day and they will now be attending other events within the county and online. Some ‘admin’ requests. If you wish to order and buy CDs please, if possible, check our ‘shop’ on the website first to see what we have available and then order through the website. We do of course always respond to orders placed by phone and letter, but you will find it quicker and easier through the website if you can. Finally, we would welcome more volunteers in the office. Our current volunteers work extremely hard and are very busy, but we need more help, especially to cover sickness and holidays. If we are unable to cover essential work adequately, then our services for members, such as answering research queries, managing orders, the post and payments will become delayed. Please give this some thought to this, as our aim is to improve our services to members, not see them depleted. You would be joining a supportive, friendly and welcoming team. Chris Pavey Research Manager

Eileen is at Apologies to Gwenda who has received emails she cannot answer!.


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