The Hampshire Family Historian | Vol.49 No.3 | December 2022
Hampshire Family Historian The
Volume 49 No.3 December 2022
Journal of the Hampshire Genealogical Society
Denmead Community Association, originally Anthill Common Board School – See page 92
Also inside this Issue Harry Nash • The Will of James Dance of Old Dolphin • Ebenezer Baptist Chapel
PLUS: Around the groups • Members’ Surname Interest • Research Room
Hampshire Genealogical Society HGS OFFICE , Hampshire Genealogical Society, Hampshire Record Office, Sussex Street, Winchester. SO23 8TH Office only open Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 4pm Registered Charity 284744
Telephone: 07769 405195 Email: Website:
PRESIDENT Dr Nick Barratt
PROJECTS Position vacant
CHAIRMAN Paul Pinhorne 84 Fontmell Road, Broadstone,
BOOKSTALL Tony Sinclair Email:
Dorset BH18 8NP Tel: 01202 383736 Email:
SECRETARY Position Vacant
MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Keith Turner Email:
TREASURER Ann-Marie Shearer at address at top of page Email:
Fiona Ranger Ann-Marie Shearer Keith Turner Angela Winteridge
Phil Brown Kay Lovell Gwen Newland Chris Pavey Paul Pinhorne
Tony Sinclair Sue Stannard (Co-opted)
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Margaret Bowman 11 Elbe Way, Andover SP10 4LD Tel: 01264 351361 Email:
GROUP ORGANISERS – See Group Reports Pages
EDITOR Stephen Pomeroy at address at top of page Email:
This journal is designed and laid out by Grey Cell Studios Southampton Telephone 023 8023 5780 Email:
Hampshire Family Historian The r
by Stephen Pomeroy Chairman’s Report
December 2022
HGS News
Vol 49 No.3 • ISSN 0306-6843
Page 118
News from the Hampshire Archives
Harry Nash
by Michael Pullinger The Will of James Dance of Old Dolphin 107 by Peter Chandler Who was James Dance of Old Dolphin? 111 by Peter Chandler
Deadline Material for possible inclusion in the March 2023 Family Historian should be received strictly by January 21st 2023 . All contributions are, however, appreciated as early as possible. The deadline applies to regular features only. Disclaimer The Hampshire Family Historian is the official publication of the Hampshire Genealogical Society. Material is copyright of the Society and may not be reproduced without written permission. The Hampshire Genealogical Society does not accept responsibility for personal views expressed in this publication, or in any articles. Submission of material The editor welcomes articles, feedback, letters or searchers requests for the journal. Text should be typed in black, with illustrations if appropriate. Send to the HGS Office at the address on the inside front cover marked for the attention of the editor. Please enclose a SAE for return of any photos or other items. Items can also be sent by e-mail to as Word documents. In this case please send any photos or illustrations as separate image files rather than embedded in the document. You can have them in the document to indicate where they should appear or use placeholders. Images degrade when they are imported and resized when embedded. HGS reserves the right to reproduce submissions in publicity materials and on the society website. Please ALWAYS include a telephone contact — and if a member your membership number. To comply with data protection requirements please state what contact details you want printed in the journal or website, e.g telephone number and/or e-mail and/or address.
Page 95
Members’ Surname Interests
Surnames Featured in this Issue 117 The Search for Ebenezer Baptist Chapel 118 by Margaret Bradford Local Group Programmes 121 Membership IBC
Message from the editor Welcome to the December HGS Family Historian. Thanks to those who have sent in articles and requests for help. Sadly, since our last journal we heard the news that Queen Elizabeth died. King Charles now heads up the family with probably the best documented family tree. Many like me will have only lived during the reign of the Queen and are getting used to having a King and the changes in language, etc that are involved. Some of our older members will be able to recall earlier kings, before Princess Elizabeth became the Queen. Perhaps in the next journal we could include a collection of the times when our members met the Queen. Margaret Bradford’s article tells of the problems of Baptist ancestors who of course do not have infant baptisms. With most of her research carried out on line from Canada, she eventually came to England on holiday and whilst here visited the area and was able to find out more. Peter Chandler submitted two articles about James Dance. The first part deals with his will and the problems that ensued. The second
part takes the story on by exploring who he was and where from. Both of interest to me as a local historian and I
recognise the Dance family and their occupations and connections with Portsmouth. Michael Pullinger sent a short item about his wife’s ancestor Harry Nash and the advances in how we can research our ancestors. Keep your articles and requests for searchers coming in so we can continue to produce a journal that most find of interest. Stephen Pomeroy Editor
For all the latest news visit…
Membership Renewal If your subscription is due for renewal please see the inside of the back cover.
Chairman’s Report
Message from the Chairman
We have now been located in the Hampshire Record Office (HRO) for over a year and both parties; the HGS and the HRO agree it has been a success. My experience is that I have seen an increased number of visitors to our desk than previously when located in Cosham. On just one morning there were at least three visitors. Another benefit is that we can respond to some research enquiries quicker. I dealt with one request where it was suggested that our transcription was incorrect as the date of marriage took place in between the baptism of two children. I was able to go straight to the relevant microfiche showing the parish entry in question and confirmed our transcription was correct. As we all know, not all children are born within a marriage. The Hampshire Record Office has been experimenting with Saturday opening and if this proves to be successful, then HGS could consider covering our research desk. Of course this can only be achieved where there are sufficient volunteers. We have volunteers who are manning the research desk and also others working on cataloguing our deposits and also our BMD Unwanted Certificate Service. I know I am always requesting volunteers, but we need you to ensure the HGS provides an excellent service to our members. The Britons Dying Overseas Project is progressing well under the guidance of John Bowman. I joined a Zoom meeting some time ago and was pleased to see members from across the world. Nowadays we do not need our volunteers to be located in Hampshire.
Wherever you are in the world, I know you will be able to help us producing more material for our members. I am pleased to announce that Jill Lee has accepted my invitation
to take on the role of Bookstall Manager. In the September Historian I was pleased to announce that Tony Sinclair had taken responsibility for the Bookstall. However, we are seeking storage facilities. Do you have a spare room in your property or garage space available? I am pleased that Sue Stannard, one of our volunteers at the HRO has taken on the role of Publicity Co-ordinator. Sue has been liaising with several of the Hampshire Libraries to evaluate the possibility of providing research assistance. Gwen Newland has stepped down as Secretary due to health issues after many years. Gwen was previously our Membership Secretary. I wish to thank Gwen for her work as Secretary as it is one of the most important roles to cover. In addition, Gwen has been prominent in organising our Annual General Meetings. A copy of the Secretary Job
Chairman’s Report/HGS News
Description has been put on our Website. It is very important that this Principal Officer role is filled. If you think you would like to fulfil this role, please contact me to discuss. The HGS is still looking for a Minute Secretary to attend 6 Executive and 3 Development Forum meetings per year if you are available. Carrying out this important role will allow the Secretary to participate fully within the meetings. Finally, during this past year we have seen two The picture on the cover shows the Denmead Community Association after snow in 2017. Denmead Community Association started life as the Anthill Common Board School. It was constructed in 1874 but closed 99 years later when two new schools were built in Denmead, one for infants and one for juniors. The former school building remained empty for several years while Hampshire County Council The School was offered to Denmead Parish Council for some kind of community use, otherwise the site would be offered on to the market for housing development. The parish council could not afford to buy it at that time as they had just purchased the land adjacent to the Memorial Hall. Therefore, they called a public meeting to ascertain local opinions on what to do with the Old School. A campaign started in 1977 to save the building and convert it for use as a community centre. Firstly a ‘Feasibility Study Group’ was decided what should be done with it. Consequently, it deteriorated rapidly. Front cover
groups being suspended due to a lack of a person to run the group. Unless we ensure people come forward, we may see this become more common. We are working on next year’s Conference Day and 49th AGM which will be held on Saturday 17th June in Winchester. Further details will be on our Website shortly. Well enjoy the rest of December Historian and ‘Good Hunting’ Paul Pinhorne Chairman set up to consider if such a conversion was possible and how much it would cost. Then a ‘Steering Committee’ was formed to establish a ‘Community Association’ with a nationally recognised charitable constitution. The Feasibility Group’s report in January 1978 gave the green light, so that a Constitution was adopted and the ‘Denmead Community Association’ was formed on 7 March 1978 at a meeting in the ‘Forest of Bere’ public house. A ‘Lease Committee’ was set up to negotiate with Hampshire County Council. The negotiations were concluded on 15 February 1980 with the grant of a 21-year renewable lease. After the initial conversion work was completed, the old school was formally opened as the Denmead Community Centre on 6 September 1980. Since then a huge amount of work has been accomplished. The building has been refurbished, new facilities added and a thriving programme of activities put together. Today the Denmead Community Association is an important part of village life.
HGS News
HGS Bookstall HGS Bookstall had two very successful days during September led by our new Bookstall Manager, Tony Sinclair Heritage Open Day On 17th September we were at the Heritage Open Day at Hampshire Record Office, where there was a steady stream of visitors from all over Hampshire and further afield, and our team of volunteers managed to speak to most of them. One gentleman from Derbyshire arrived with a small card advertising his Great Grandmother’s Silk Mercers business in Winchester and went away having found the name of the street where the shop was in 1880. We made some sales from our bookstall and signed up a new member. We also enjoyed looking at the displays put out by the record office, which were as varied as a letter written by Florence Nightingale when she was a child, a display of early cine cameras and an interactive display of the equipment that conservators use to identify objects. In addition, there were stalls run by members of Hampshire Archive Trust and the Victoria County History of Hampshire.
HGS News
Family History Show at Kempton Park On 24th September 2022. the team attended the Family History Show at Kempton Park where it was great to meet up with all the other exhibitors from Family History Societies around the south of England and the Family History Federation. The venue was bright and airy with excellent facilities including two lecture theatres with an interesting program of talks. There were also Ask the Expert booths and Commercial Exhibitors. Everyone agreed that the show was quieter than those that had happened pre- Covid, which allowed time for networking with other exhibitors. Nevertheless, we were able to answer lots of enquiries about Hampshire Ancestors as well as making some sales from our selection of Booklets and CDs. As we were only a small team, we decided not to take any second-hand books but subsequently felt that this might have helped to attract visitors to our stall. We would like to be more ambitious in future, so if anyone would like to join the team for our next exhibition at the Spring Arts and Heritage Centre in Havant on 25th February 2023, please contact
Fiona Ranger and Tony Sinclair answer a query
Sue Stannard
FAREWELL Mrs Rosalyn Blackman Oakley,
With the deepest regret we wish to inform readers of the death of the following HGS members:-
Member #14455 Member #10100 Member#13761 Member #14523 Member #14461 Member #918
Steve Dawlish Gillian Johns Keith Lawrence
Dawlish, Fareham, Northwich,
Mrs Susan Staunton
Rita Teare
Research report
Errata On page 50 of the September journal the searchers article for the Boyett family has the wrong contact details. We have been working closely with HRO and have taken part with them in Hampshire Heritage Day and also their Saturday opening day, which was a trial run for possible HRO Since our last report we have been exceptionally busy here at HRO. The team working on up-dating our Catalogue have now completed this work and the new Catalogue, now renamed The Reference Library, is now on the website. We are always happy to look up references for you, if you are unable to visit the office. Come and see us, we are here to help with queries etc. We are also close to uploading the new ‘unwanted’ certificates list, copies of which can be obtained from our office at a small cost. A big thank you to the volunteers who have worked hard on these for many months. Our volunteers also continue all their other work on answering queries both in the office and remotely, as well as work on other indexes. We have welcomed the Basingstoke group to come and look at what we do here at HRO and also looking forward to welcoming the Andover group. If your group would like to look around HRO and HGS to see what we offer please do contact us at
opening on Saturdays in 2023. Our Bookstall is now up and running again and has been present when we welcomed groups, the Heritage Day and the HRO trial Open Day and they will now be attending other events within the county and online. Some ‘admin’ requests. If you wish to order and buy CDs please, if possible, check our ‘shop’ on the website first to see what we have available and then order through the website. We do of course always respond to orders placed by phone and letter, but you will find it quicker and easier through the website if you can. Finally, we would welcome more volunteers in the office. Our current volunteers work extremely hard and are very busy, but we need more help, especially to cover sickness and holidays. If we are unable to cover essential work adequately, then our services for members, such as answering research queries, managing orders, the post and payments will become delayed. Please give this some thought to this, as our aim is to improve our services to members, not see them depleted. You would be joining a supportive, friendly and welcoming team. Chris Pavey Research Manager
Eileen is at Apologies to Gwenda who has received emails she cannot answer!.
Searche If you would like your request to be included in this section, please submit a brief, but specific, email or letter of enquiry or send a 'Word' based article with relevant names (and particularly your own name and address) detailed in BLOCK CAPITALS to Editor, Hampshire Genealogical Society, Hampshire Record Office, Sussex Street, Winchester. SO23 8TH. Please advise what contact details you want printed in the journal along with your query – email, telephone number, postal address, or via HGS Office, Please be patient as acknowledgement or reply
will not be made except through this journal. Photographs and illustrations are gladly accepted: – 300 dpi resolution jpegs by email attachment or on CD are welcome or laser colour photocopies (never ordinary ones) or black and white original pictures. All can be returned if you request it and supply an SAE. If
sending original photographs through the post, please use a protective board envelope. EMAIL: and please always quote a full postal address for those without computers. If this is not done, your request may well be disregarded. Abbreviations used: b = born, bap = baptised, bd = buried, c. = circa, C = Century, d. = died, mrd = married. Members are reminded that these pages are compiled from letters etc. that may have been written months beforehand, so postal addresses should always be checked for up to date changes.
Slade nee Foxall
I am looking for the burial location for my Great Grandmother Esther Rhoda Slade nee Foxall. Born 17 Nov 1850 Hardway, Hampshire, England. Married a George Slade 25 May 1874
and had in total 10 children. She lived in various location in Gosport / Alverstoke and died 12 Oct 1936 while living with her daughter Beatrice Victoria Davies nee Slade and her husband Police Officer Gilbert Davis.
They were all living at No 2 Gunboat Yard (police Barracks) Haslar. I would appreciate any suggestions or help to locate her burial location. Alan Foxall (Member #9303) Contact Details:-
Alan J Foxall, 225 Rayleigh Road, Hutton, Brentwood, Essex CM13 1PJ Email: or Website:
A small article in the Saturday 23 August 1873 edition of the Hampshire Telegraph concerned a bullock that had calmly walked in the front of a shop belonging to Mr. HUDSON in Queen Street, Portsea. The shop was the china and glass business that was run by Mr. Hudson and was where one would expect that considerable damage would be done. However, after walking quietly through the shop the bullock walked out through a side door causing no more damage than a few broken glasses. The animal was owned by Mr. MEARS of Charlotte Street. A little bit of research revealed that the shop owner was Henry Hudson who was baptized on 23 April 1817 in New Alresford and had been in Portsmouth Bull in a China Shop
with his wife Anne for some considerable time as a china and glass merchant. In 1861 he was living in Donnington Cottage in Clarendon Road, ten years later he was at 2 Portland Place, and in an 1878 street directory he was living in Palmerston Road. In all these entries he was recorded as being associated with the china and glass business. Henry died on 5 October 1892 in Southsea although he was buried two days later at St Andrew’s church in Farlington by the vicar of St Jude, Southsea. There was a memorial stone to him in the churchyard at Farlington that may still be there. Roy Montgomery (Member #3759)
News from the Hampshire Archives
The Hampshire Archives and Local Studies
News Opening hours for Record Office visitors continue to be Tuesdays to Thursdays, 9.30am to 4.00pm. Researchers can visit without appointment to see up to six documents before 12 noon but booking is essential for those wishing to see more than 6 documents per day. Please check our website for the most up to date information at chives . We recently opened on 22 October for our first Saturday since lockdown and welcomed some enthusiastic visitors keen to take up this opportunity. We will be opening on occasional Saturdays during 2023 and advertising the dates on our website. The digitisation by Ancestry of Hampshire parish register entries to 1921 is nearing completion. Hampshire wills and other probate documents to 1858 were digitised earlier this year and indexing work on these is progressing well. Look out for publicity before the end of the year when wills go live on the Ancestry website. We have stocks of some older HRO publications to give away. These include all 30 Hampshire Papers (first series) and a variety of other publications and other items. Come along any time during our opening hours for a browse.
Accessions Some recent additions to the archives for Hampshire Archives and Local Studies and Wessex Film and Sound Archive follow. Personal, family and estate records Tomlinson and related families, of Four Marks and Alton area : correspondence, personal papers, postcards, etc., relating to the Tomlinson family, of Four Marks, and related families in Alton area, early-mid 20th century (100A21 uncatalogued) Longcroft family of Havant: correspondence and legal papers relating to the Longcroft family of Havant, c1813-50, in particular Charles Beare Longcroft, solicitor and trustee to the marriage settlement of his half-brother, Robert Godfrey Longcroft (d1834), following marriage to Lucy Gass Trodd in 1814, and reflecting the financial and social difficulties arising from debts accrued by R G Longcroft, including a possible case in Chancery against C B Longcroft as trustee; also includes a copy of 'The Longcrofts - 500 years of a British family' by James Phillips-Evans (a descendant of the family); related papers such as census extracts, family trees, copy certificates, extracts, printouts (6A22, uncatalogued) Russell of Basingstoke, probate memoranda : volume entitled 'Entries relative to the Affairs of Francis Russell, Esquire, Deceased', of Park Street, Westminster, and Goldings, Basingstoke, comprising memoranda concerning the will and codicils,
News from the Hampshire Archives
and information about his property, 1799 (11A22) Burrard diaries and book: diaries of Sidney Burrard of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, later Lieutenant Colonel Sidney Burrard (1826 1893), 1839 and 1840; manuscript book 'The Burrard Family' compiled and written by Lieutenant Colonel Sidney Burrard, c1892 (38A22) Goater family of Chandlers Ford: personal records of Joan Adelaide Goater (nee Adamson, d1999) who lived at The Ridge, 27 Hiltingbury Road, Chandlers Ford, comprising a series of journals, 1947-99 (incomplete), including entries relating to natural history, the weather, the subject's life and activities, such as children at school, national service, sporting and leisure activities (e.g. trips to the New Forest, the Isle of Wight, and nearby chalk downland), family history, and environmental matters including the decline in local wildlife, the destruction of woodland at Hiltingbury, and new housing developments in the area (211 notebooks); a series of paintings (watercolour on paper) by the same, featuring botanical studies, all dated, located, and identified, c1950s-80s; notebooks comprising an alphabetical index of wild flowers appearing in the journals, and a catalogue of the wild flower paintings. Two further manuscript volumes comprising an account by Barry Goater (Mrs Goater's son, a science teacher at Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, then based at Hampstead, London), featuring activities undertaken with his pupils whilst on camping field trips at Beaulieu Road, New
Forest, entitled 'the Beaulieu Tomes', c1955 61. (44A22) West Meon miscellanea: the Ray Stone collection: collected ephemera of the late Ray A Stone relating to aspects of local history in the West Meon area, as follows: business records of Stone, coal merchants, comprising annual profit and loss accounts, 1958-75, customer ledgers, 1950s-63 (3 vols), a file of miscellaneous documents, correspondence, cuttings, etc., about the family business, 1950s-98, and papers concerning the sale of the business by R A Stone in 1993; a series of captioned photo albums labelled 'A' to 'H', and 'O' (8 vols and 1 wallet), comprising original and copy photos, late 19th-mid 20th century; candidates' declaration book for the Loyal Westbury Lodge (Manchester Unity Friendly Society, Southampton Branch), 1889-1905; minute book of West Meon Boy Scouts, 1932 4; further loose photographs, correspondence and personal papers, sale particulars, cuttings, maps, articles, and pamphlets on subjects such as schools, church and parish, local buildings and landmarks, transport, Westbury village, shops and trades, local residents, sports and local clubs. (45A22 uncatalogued) Autograph album, West Ham House Red Cross Hospital, Basingstoke: autograph album of Elizabeth Best, kept while working as a nurse at the West Ham House Red Cross Hospital, Basingstoke, 1916. Contains poems, notes, drawings and photographs written by soldier patients (46A22)
News from the Hampshire Archives
Farnborough and Yateley documents; deeds of land now occupied by St Barnabas Church, Frogmore, Yateley, 1828-1932; deeds (1914-36) and research notes relating to property at Frogmore Green, Yateley; papers and photographs of Farnborough College of Technology, c1962-75, including Rag Week scrapbook, 1962-6, photographs of Rag Week, 1969, and College staff, c1970s; printed items, including Revue programmes, 1963,1965, College prospectuses, 1962-3, and for Department of Household Arts, 1965-72, students' handbook, 1968-9, students' union year book, 1965-6, and newspaper cuttings; pedigree of Hawkins family of Cove; research notes relating to the Hawkins family of Cove and Cove potters, c2000s; notes relating to the history of the Farnborough Memorial Fountain. (49A22) Sutton Scotney ephemera: papers collected by the late Ernest ('Erni') Penny (porter at Sutton Scotney rail depot) relating to aspects of local history of the Sutton Scotney area, including photographs, cuttings, articles and extracts, about a variety of local trades and businesses, pubs, shops, schools, and organisations, late 19th-mid 20th century. Includes an 'oral history' compiled in long hand by Mr Penny from the memories of older residents in the area, intended to give a flavour of life as it was in the year of his birth (1910); notebook kept by Mr Penny entitled 'GWR number-takers book, depot or yard, Sutton Scotney' (recording goods in and out, destination etc.), c1946. (56A22 uncatalogued) Leigh Park landscape survey and plans
and Hayling Island seafront plans: documents produced by Ronald Harrison, landscape architect for the City of Portsmouth Planning Department, includes: landscape survey of Leigh Park, covering geology, topography, scenery, vegetation and agriculture, includes plans, photos and loose photos, Jul 1946; plans including - tree survey plans and details, sketches of tree branches, drawings showing locations of trees; coloured drawings of views from Leigh Park House, from Stockheath Common and of Durrants prior to development; coloured plans of estate layout, primary zoning drawings; printed plan of first stage housing proposals, 1947; detailed plan of proposed open spaces; coloured drawing of Havant Thicket. Coloured drawings of proposed foreshore development at Hayling Island submitted by Ronald Harrison for an open competition, 1947 (the project was abandoned for want of entry by others). Photocopy of letter of appointment of Ronald Harrison as Senior Planning Assistant for the City of Portsmouth, 8 Oct 1945; extract from recollections of Ronald Harrison in relation to Leigh Town Park Town (57A22) Romsey, Wellow, Broughton, Eling and Cadnam, Houghton and Bramshaw deeds, court papers and documents: deeds and copy court rolls for Romsey, West Wellow, Broughton, Eling, Houghton, Bramshaw and manors of Eling and Houghton, c1699-1870s; Cadnam and Winsor manor quite rents, presentments and court leet minutes, c1760s 1820s; Bramshaw and Canterton and Bramshaw manor quit rents and
News from the Hampshire Archives
presentments, c1770s-1820s; wills and probates, 18th-19th century; attested copy marriage settlements and deeds, c18th century; articles of partnership of Daman and Warner, 1797; memo and articles of association of Strong and Co of Romsey, 1894 (60A22) Jerome of Andover, Second World War Rescue Service papers: personal papers belonging to the late Owen A C Jerome of 22 Orchard Road, Andover, relating to his work with Andover Rescue Service, 1940s, including information and guidance issued to attendees of Andover Rescue and Decontamination School, with certificate of training received issued by Andover Borough Council; Standing correspondence from official bodies thanking him for his wartime service after Civil Defence groups were stood down, Jun 1945; group photographs of ARS; newscuttings; copy of central Govt ARP training manual (HMSO, 1940) (71A22) Crondall map: plan of Robert Benham's Estate in the Parish of Crondall, including Swanthorpe homestead, 1847 (91A22) Whiting family of Portchester: bound typescript entitled 'Whiting of Porchester, Volume 3: Selected Family Papers', compiled by Richard Whiting (c1980s); publication entitled 'The Whitings of Porchester, Vol II', 2020, by Richard Whiting; Whiting family tree, from 1440, including extant emigrations to USA and Australia integral to the above family history volumes; edited and illustrated diary Orders and lists of personnel for ARS; membership card for Andover ARP;
of Marian Muriel Whiting (1881-1978), a lifelong volunteer at Kew Gardens, amateur botanist and plant-hunter, concerning her travels in China, 1919-21; translation of the legal judgment given in the Winchester Consistory Court in the matter between the Prior of Southwick and Thomas Whiting (concerning tithes of salt), 1319 (94A22) Records of local societies and organisations Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, Portsmouth District (inaugural) minute book, 1902-22; Andover District records, as follows: minute books, 1928-2013 ; St Mary's church, Andover, belfry attendance/visitors' book, 1947-64, and 1985-6; attendance register, 1959-71; anniversary peals (a record of 37 peals scored in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Andover Guild and rung throughout the District), 1968-9; subscription registers, 1954-69, 1981-99 (20M94 additional) Winchester Group of the Retired Clergy Association: minute books (Committee, AGM and Meeting minutes), 1987-2020 (8 vols); correspondence file, 1993-2000; papers of the Retired Clergy Association including Chairman's letters, occasional papers and printed addresses, c1985-99 (13A22) Whitchurch History Society: collected records: records of organisations or individuals donated to WHS, as follows: Whitchurch United Football Club,
News from the Hampshire Archives
including team photographs, accounts, Treasurer's reports, correspondence, 1947-68; Whitchurch Flower Show minute book, 1922 58; Presto Club minute book, 1944-9; Whitchurch Victory Club minute book and correspondence, 1945-56; Whitchurch Old Tyme Dancing Club minute book, 1949-53; copies of a survey of the Borough of Whitchurch by T Lawrence, dated 1730; survey of the old churchyard at All Hallows church, 1957; layout of the new cemetery, by R Smith, 1976; copy of the Whitchurch Association oath roll, dated 1696.(35A22, uncatalogued) Winchester Winemakers Circle: minutes of monthly meetings, 1958-61; committee meeting minutes and AGM minutes, 1983 2022; AGM minutes, 1959-91; programme cards, c1968-2019; rules; newspaper cuttings; AGM minutes of the Hampshire League of Winemakers, 1988-2009 (55A22) Old Gosportians Dramatic Society: Theatre programmes of the Old Gosportians' Dramatic Society, 1936 and 1938, with five photographs taken of performances, 1930s; programme for the Junior Imperial League Dramatic Society performance of Five Short Plays, Alverstoke, 1930 (84A22) North East Hants Agricultural Association : minute books, 1840-1988 (12 vols); rough notes minute book, 1878-1880; AGM minutes, 1976-2016 (2 files); account books 1957 1973, 1984-1992 (9 vols); account book and correspondence kept by auditor, 1955-1991; petty cash book, 1984-2002; President's reports, 1966-1974; Show programmes,
c1923-2013, summer shows, c1916-2014, ploughing matches, Horse Show schedules, 1991-2009, General Show schedules, 1947 2013; reports and accounts, 1928-2016; letters, programmes, newspapers guides, 1990s-2000s; annual dinner menus, 1936 1937; misc programmes, leaflets , posters, c1940s-2000s; valuations, description and photos of cups and trophies, c1993-2015; photographs taken at Shows, c2000s (90A22 uncatalogued) Cliddesden Village Newsletter, 1976-2014 (96A22) Business records Lex Vehicle Engineering Ltd and Giltpack Packaging, of Totton and Locomotors: Ltd Andover Lex Vehicle Engineering Ltd, previously Sparshatts Metal Bodies Ltd, includes: loose photos and album of Sparshatts vehicles, 1950s; Sparshatts specifications, c1950s; album of photos of Hampshire vehicle bodywork sent abroad; photographs of vehicles produced, buses, mobile kitchens, accommodation trailers, special containers, buses, trucks, cabs; brief history of Lex Vehicle Engineering, 1970s-80s. Giltpack , Nutsey Lane, Totton, includes: photos of vehicles sent to Ghana; photos of Giltpack Engineering products; publicity material and Updates; GEL leaflets and a history of GEL (offshoot of Giltpack Packaging), c1980s-90s. Locomotors Ltd., Andover, includes; photos of the original factory and sports days, c1950s; photos of
News from the Hampshire Archives
historic vehicles, 1930s-50s; Locomotors brochure and publicity material and advertising; album of vehicles such as Outside Broadcast trucks; photos of vehicles built with promotional literature, for armoured and security vehicles, sleeper and crew cabs, buses, quest vehicles, public utilities vehicles, standard truck bodies, civilian security, airport vehicles, mobile libraries, c1980s; pamphlet 'Locomotors Sport and Social Club 60 years, 1922-82. (19A22) Parish records Amport parish: bound volume containing Amport parish magazines, 1899 (43M67) registers of burials, 1895-2006; index to burials registers, c1894-1989; register of graves, 1895-2006; unidentified/incomplete graves register, nd [c1894-1980s]; photocopy of index to burials register, graves, and graves purchased, c1894-1980s; register of burials (war service), 1939-45; registers of graves purchased, 1900-2006; album of photos of 'approved designs' for lawn burial memorials/headstones, by J C Langford and cemetery, Havant, c1950s-70s, and Havant cemeteries, mid 20th c-1983; tables of fees for cemeteries run by Havant Borough Council and predecessor authorities, c1960s 80s.Warblington burial ground/cemetery: 'old' District Council records Havant Borough Council: Havant cemetery: Sons, Fareham, c1950s-60s; plans and drawings for a proposed Hulbert Road
cemetery register of burials, 1894-1952; 'burial ground'/'cemetery': registers of burials, 1914-98; indexes to burials, 'old' and 'new' cemeteries, 1894-1995; registers of graves, incl 'old' cemetery, 1894-1998; register of burials of still-born children, 1925-40; register of children's graves, 1978-97, and graves purchased in the Garden of Rest, 1993-7; registers of graves purchased, 1914-98; register of fees received and disbursed for burials, 1897-1931; linen-backed, hand coloured plan of cemetery plots ('other than lawn burial') for Warblington cemetery, c1938; drawings/ copies of Warblington cemetery by HBC Technical Services, c1995. Waterlooville cemetery: registers of burials, 1934-98 (4 vols); index to burials register, c1934-94; registers of graves, c1934-98 (4 vols); registers of purchased graves, 1934-50; photocopies of plans of cemetery plots, and drawings of grounds, c1950s, and 1984-94. (162M84, part catalogued) Parish and Town Council records Yateley Town Council: Parish Council and Town Council minutes : committee minutes - Recreation Committe, 1940-1946 and Open Spaces committee, 1960-1966; Commons/Environment committee/Open Spaces committee, 1951-1958, 1965-2010; Planning committee/Development Control, 1974-2010; Finance and Policy, 1966-2014; Street Lighting committee, 1964, 1966 1974; Burial Board minutes,
News from the Hampshire Archives
1958-1964; Emergency Action committee, 1984-2002; Blackbushe ad hoc committee, 1985-1988; Darby Green Playing Fields Action Committee, 1986-1989; Chandlers Lane Development committee, 1985-1988, 1990 1993; Yateley Green Action committee/Development and Facilities Action committee, 1992-1997; Yateley Village Hall Management committee, 1998-2012; Boundary Review Working Party committee, 1990; Gypsies Action committee, 1983-1988; Playgrounds Action sub-committee, 1983 1988; Yateley Village Hall redevelopment committee, 1982-1987; Cemetery committee, 1965-1976; Yateley Common Management committee, 2005-2009; Overseers receipt and payment books, 1855-1915 (2 vols); Collectors monthly statement book, 1898 1904; Precept receipt book, 1895-1927; Receipt and Payment account book, 1946 1957; Financial statements, c1931-1938; Register of mortgages, 1957; correspondence files, 1950s-1970s; report on exchange of land with Air Ministry, 1961; plans of St Peter's church, 1989; Members registers, 1995-2004 ( 2 vols), Members interests register, 2003 2007; 'Yateley Men at War' by Graham Fleuty (48A17 part listed) School records Privett School magazines, Gosport , The Privett Magazine, school magazines for Privett County Secondary School, Gosport, 1967 and 1968 (42A22)
Durley National School/Durley Primary School: HM Inspectors' reports for Durley National/C of E School, 1892-1913 (photocopies for period 1892-7, original documents 1898-1913); School Managers' minute book, 1949-78; captioned photographs featuring rebuilding works at the school, probably used for exhibition purposes, 2000-1 (18A12) Wessex Film and Sound Archive’s recent accessions include the following Shanklin film: cinefilm (8mm) film of unknown family on holiday in Shanklin, Isle of Wight, 1960s (AV1659) Twyford Scouts cinefilms (8) 8mm - colour silent cinefilms of 2nd Twyford Scout activities and other Twyford events, 1959-1960s (AV1663) Fordingbridge - Bailey videos: mini DV cassettes (47), JVC compact VHS tapes (29) VHS tapes (3), DVDs (6) sound tapes (2) - films produced and footage of family and local events in Fordingbridge filmed by Dennis Bailey, c1970s-2000s. VHS tapes include films about Sandleheath Band (2000), DVDs include 'End of an Era' film about the closing of Fordingbridge Primary School, 1974, Coronation Terrace Sandleheath Centenary, 2011, St Aldhelm's Church, Sandleheath, 2011, Diamond Jubilee in Fordingbridge, 2014, Twixt Sarum and Sea, 2014, Fordingbridge, 2016 (AV1067)
News from the Hampshire Archives
Events We will soon be launching our 2023 events programme, and details will be available on our website at s/archives/events . We will continue to offer a mixture of online and onsite events. As well as continuing our successful Behind the Scenes Tours of the Record Office, our online talks next year will include special presentations about Highclere Castle and Florence Nightingale, as well as expert sessions on using archives such as how to get started in local history. Highlights from the extensive Wessex film archive will be shown at onsite screenings, covering Fashion on Film and Romsey Life, so do join us for some nostalgia in our cinema. Following the probate records, the Church of England baptisms, marriages and burials for Hampshire parishes in Winchester Diocese, from the 16th century up to c1921 will be made available on Ancestry’s site during the course of 2023, so an Ancestry subscription would make an ideal Christmas present! Look out for events and publicity about the registers…
High Wycombe Film Society: cinefilms (16mm), made and collected by the High Wycombe Film Society, including Wycombe World, 1986-2008; Wycombe related documentary films, including Wycombe Jubilee, 1935 and Chilton Bodgers, 1935, Silver Jubilee, 1977; creative films made by the High Wycombe Film Society; Broomwade Films and miscellaneous films (AV1664) Hayling Island holiday film: cinefilm (16mm) - footage of family holidays at grandparents’ house on Hayling Island, 1952 1962 (AV1665)
Portsea Epitaph
Source :-Hampshire Telegraph 7 June 1873 and Roy M.
An epitaph reported as being on stones in Mile End Cemetery were recorded in the local paper. Unfortunately the paper didn’t report the names of the deceased so they cannot be confirmed. Three lovely babes lie sleeping here,
Life is like a winter’s day - Some Breakfast here and then away. Others to dinner stop, and are full fed; The oldest man but sups and goes to bed.
Hannah, my dear, your grandmother is near. When we three meet we never shall part any more; My little Jemmy, too, that I loved so dear.
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Harry Nash
Many moons ago when the only indices seemed to be the IGI, the BMD and the 1881 census, and even these could only be accessed at a library or at the Record Office, I started to research my wife’s Family Tree after I’d done some work on my own side. The starting point was the tragic death of George NASH in 1938 after contracting gangrene following a motor bike accident having caught his foot in the back wheel. This gave his age which led me to look for his birth in 1890 in the BMD at Hampshire Record Office. Trying to save money, at the time I didn’t send for his birth certificate, but trawled through the Parish Registers in microform until I found his baptism in St. George’s, Portsea. On the same day in 1890 one of his brothers and two sisters were also baptised.
At the time and for a number of years I thought the family had “got religion” and thought no more about it until the wonders of the internet and in particular the British Newspaper Archive. Idly searching Nash in the Portsmouth Evening News I came across the tragic death of Harry Nash. It would appear that Harry’s distraught
parents, six days after Harry’s death, took Amelia aged 14, Harriet 11,
Samuel 5 and baby George to be baptised as a precaution against being buried in unconsecrated ground. Much as I enjoyed visiting various Record Offices and trawling through their archives it has to be said that the internet and all the numerous indices available now has been a boon to the present day Family Historian. Michael Pullinger (Member #8337)
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The Will of James Dance of Old Dolphin
James Dance died in 1829, but the terms of his Will ensured that it was 28 years before his estate was finally settled. I came to investigate this when I found that my 3x great grandfather Henry MARSHALL , a grandson of James DANCE , had been summoned to Winchester in 1855 in connection with the estates of his parents Walter and Elizabeth MARSHALL . In his Will James Dance described himself as a gentleman of Portsea. In 1815, at the baptism of his youngest daughter Caroline, he was a victualler of Ordnance Row. A trade directory of 1793 has him more precisely as victualler at the Old Dolphin , which was situated on the east side of Smith’s Lane, at the corner of Ordnance Row (Gillian Ferrett of the Portsmouth History Centre, pers. comm. 7 June 2013 – it’s now gone and the site is occupied by the Green Mango hair salon). James’ will, written on 14 June 1827, was proved on 6 January 1830. James, who died aged 78 in December 1829, left his household effects to his wife Mary and appointed as executors his son William DANCE , cutler of Portsea and his nephews Daniel Dance, yeoman of Copnor and George WINGHAM , carpenter of Portsea. James owned two houses in Anchor Smiths Lane, two in Surry Street and five in Town Field, Portsea; the income from these and from £500 “Old Navy” stock was to go to his wife. After her decease the property was to be auctioned and the proceeds from this and the stock to be divided equally between his eight surviving children, who were listed and included Elizabeth, “the wife of Walter Marshall”.
A curious feature of James’ Will was that he apparently didn’t know the whereabouts of his eldest son James and stated that, “if he shall not be seen or heard of or any correct information received where he can be found within the space of ten years” of his father’s decease, his share should be divided between the seven other children. Only the two eldest, James and Elizabeth, were the children of James’ first wife Hannah GIBBS , who was a widow when she married James in 1779. Hannah died in 1795, and in the following year James was married again to Mary Moses, who was more than 20 years younger than him and was the mother of his other six children: Eliza, William, David Henry, Mary Ann, Jane and Caroline. The administration of James’ Will became a lengthy process, mainly because his widow Mary survived to the age of 79 – she died on 18 January 1854. However, by this time all the original executors and five of the eight children were also deceased. Only the three youngest daughters, Mary Ann ADAMS , Jane MITCHELL and Caroline SPRINGGAY , survived their mother. The trees in Tables 1 and 2 show the principal relationships between the ultimate beneficiaries of James’ Will. James’ eldest daughter Elizabeth DANCE was christened at St Mary’s in Portsea on 26 March 1784. At the same church, on 25 September 1808, she married Walter MARSHALL , who was a millwright and shipwright. They had three sons in Portsea and moved to Chatham in Kent between 1813 and 1815; they had four more sons there.
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Elizabeth died at Chatham on 19 March 1835, while Walter lived until 1855. We learn from the 1851 census that Walter was born at Norham (on the Tweed) in Northumberland – his baptism was on 20 August 1775 at the Presbyterian Church in Etal, and he was recorded as the son of Abraham and Jane Marshall of Felkington, a few miles south of Norham. Possibly he worked at Berwick before moving to Portsea. Henry Marshall was Walter and Elizabeth’s second and eldest surviving son. He was born at Portsea in 1811, and followed his father’s occupation as a shipwright. He married Ann Pett at East Malling in Kent in 1833. They had 5 children in the Medway area before moving in the 1840s to Deptford, where 3 more children were born. Henry’s address was 175 Evelyn Street, Deptford, Kent, when he appeared in Winchester on 20 August 1855. His attendance was to establish that, as the next of kin of his parents, he was entitled to his mother’s share of her father James Dance’s estate. Having stated that his parents had died intestate and that his mother’s estate had been unadministered, he was granted administration of their estates and requested to submit accounts within 6 months. It was stated in these documents that he believed the value of his parents’ estates to be less than £200. This was witnessed by William Dance, cutler and Robert Mitchell, hairdresser, both of Portsea. William was Henry’s first cousin (his father, also a cutler called William, died in 1845), while Robert Mitchell was his uncle, the husband of his aunt Jane Dance.
The distribution of the rest of James Dance’s estate was not straightforward. His son William had made a Will in 1845 in which, as the last survivor of his father’s executors, he passed responsibility for the execution of his father’s estate to his brothers-in-law Henry Adams (a grocer at Catherington) and Robert Mitchell, as his son William was then a minor aged 19 (to whom his share subsequently passed). His brother David Henry (only called Henry in his father’s Will and the resulting administration), a coach spring maker of Portsea, had died unmarried and intestate in 1835, and his share of his father’s estate was granted in 1855 to his sister Mary Ann Adams, as his next of kin. Their elder sister Eliza also died in 1835 and the administration of her estate was granted in 1840 to her husband William Cowan (a carpenter); as a Scot from Midlothian he was another recent immigrant to Portsea. The estate of James Dance was only finally settled in 1857, 28 years after his death, when the fate of his eldest son James, who had gone missing at the time he wrote his Will, was discovered. It appears that James, now referred to as James Henry Dance, writer of Madras, had gone to India and died there in 1845, intestate and a widower; “writer” was a term used for clerks employed by the East India Company. He had one son, Charles Henry, born in Madras in 1815, who had died before him in 1843 and two surviving granddaughters, who then became the beneficiaries of their great grandfather’s Will. The elder, Adelaide Matilda, had married John MAXWORTH (also a writer) in 1851 and was
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now living at Kandy, Ceylon while her sister Georgiana Elizabeth was then unmarried and a minor, but went on to marry Gilbert De Souza in Madras later in 1857. Adelaide and John MAXWORTH made a declaration on 13 December 1856, in which they appointed Henry Adams to represent them at the hearing. Administration was granted to him, witnessed by Stephen Adams (“gentleman”; he was Henry’s father and had been a hairdresser) and Robert MITCHELL (“perfumer”; still a hairdresser in 1861, by 1871 he had become a licensed victualler at the White Swan Tavern in Broad Street). It isn’t known whether the sisters remained overseas or later came to England – or if they have descendants. I’ve not been able to find any record of the value of James Dance’s estate at the time of his wife’s death or the amount consequently involved in each of the eight shares. Presumably Henry Marshall received his share in due course. He had four brothers living at the time, one of them in New Zealand, and it is unknown whether this was
came to Winchester, though he may have found out later – presumably the respective authorities made no connection at the
The first marriage of James Dance, above, second marriage, below
apportioned among them. And then there is the unexpected complication that Walter Marshall had in fact made a Will. This was possibly unknown to Henry when he
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