The Hampshire Family Historian | Vol.49 No.3 | December 2022

Members’ Surname Interests

Members’ Surname Interests Database

Please continue to check the members’ interests webpage at http://www.hgs mbers-interests/ for latest details and service updates that will be announced there first. Members’ interests are published quarterly in this journal. There is a restriction in each journal of publishing a maximum of 15 entries per person to keep the journal to a manageable size. Such a constraint does not apply to the database, however, so it is possible to add further interests - within reason! Updates to your surname interests can be made online by following the examples on the page or by post. It is also possible to remove redundant entries, and this is encouraged - deletions are not notified in the journal; they simply won't remain in the database. Updates should be BLOCK printed and submitted in the format used in the following section or as shown on the form on members’ interests webpage. The county Chapman Codes are published at least once in any yearly HFH volume and should be used when submitting interests, e.g. HAM for Hampshire etc. Please note that addresses published in this section refer only to members who have submitted their interests. All enquiries and queries concerning this section should be sent by post to the Research Centre at the HGS Office (address on inside front cover), or go to interests-signup, or by email to N. B. Changes to email addresses will no longer be noted in the journal as many are already obsolete when published. Please contact the HGS Office for a member's current details if you encounter problems But please remember to inform the Membership Secretary ( of any changes to either your current email or home address. In the following table the interests are in groups with the members details after the names they are interested in. Notes (‘1900’ given as example of ‘date’):

1900 + = after that date; pre 1900 = before that date; c 1900 = circa (about) that date (+/- 5 yrs); C 20 = xx th. Century; parish a = area around parish

Remember that your addresses are your contact point, so keep them up to date.

If communicating by post remember that an SAE is essential these days, as not everyone has email. Please note that HGS cannot guarantee a response to any enquiry made of a member.


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