The Hampshire Family Historian | Vol.49 No.3 | December 2022

News from the Hampshire Archives

including team photographs, accounts, Treasurer's reports, correspondence, 1947-68; Whitchurch Flower Show minute book, 1922 58; Presto Club minute book, 1944-9; Whitchurch Victory Club minute book and correspondence, 1945-56; Whitchurch Old Tyme Dancing Club minute book, 1949-53; copies of a survey of the Borough of Whitchurch by T Lawrence, dated 1730; survey of the old churchyard at All Hallows church, 1957; layout of the new cemetery, by R Smith, 1976; copy of the Whitchurch Association oath roll, dated 1696.(35A22, uncatalogued) Winchester Winemakers Circle: minutes of monthly meetings, 1958-61; committee meeting minutes and AGM minutes, 1983 2022; AGM minutes, 1959-91; programme cards, c1968-2019; rules; newspaper cuttings; AGM minutes of the Hampshire League of Winemakers, 1988-2009 (55A22) Old Gosportians Dramatic Society: Theatre programmes of the Old Gosportians' Dramatic Society, 1936 and 1938, with five photographs taken of performances, 1930s; programme for the Junior Imperial League Dramatic Society performance of Five Short Plays, Alverstoke, 1930 (84A22) North East Hants Agricultural Association : minute books, 1840-1988 (12 vols); rough notes minute book, 1878-1880; AGM minutes, 1976-2016 (2 files); account books 1957 1973, 1984-1992 (9 vols); account book and correspondence kept by auditor, 1955-1991; petty cash book, 1984-2002; President's reports, 1966-1974; Show programmes,

c1923-2013, summer shows, c1916-2014, ploughing matches, Horse Show schedules, 1991-2009, General Show schedules, 1947 2013; reports and accounts, 1928-2016; letters, programmes, newspapers guides, 1990s-2000s; annual dinner menus, 1936 1937; misc programmes, leaflets , posters, c1940s-2000s; valuations, description and photos of cups and trophies, c1993-2015; photographs taken at Shows, c2000s (90A22 uncatalogued) Cliddesden Village Newsletter, 1976-2014 (96A22) Business records Lex Vehicle Engineering Ltd and Giltpack Packaging, of Totton and Locomotors: Ltd Andover Lex Vehicle Engineering Ltd, previously Sparshatts Metal Bodies Ltd, includes: loose photos and album of Sparshatts vehicles, 1950s; Sparshatts specifications, c1950s; album of photos of Hampshire vehicle bodywork sent abroad; photographs of vehicles produced, buses, mobile kitchens, accommodation trailers, special containers, buses, trucks, cabs; brief history of Lex Vehicle Engineering, 1970s-80s. Giltpack , Nutsey Lane, Totton, includes: photos of vehicles sent to Ghana; photos of Giltpack Engineering products; publicity material and Updates; GEL leaflets and a history of GEL (offshoot of Giltpack Packaging), c1980s-90s. Locomotors Ltd., Andover, includes; photos of the original factory and sports days, c1950s; photos of


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