Wildflower Turf Product Guide

Assuring a quality, professional finish

Introduction Wildflower Turf Finisher has been designed to help deliver the highest possible standard to an area of Wildflower Turf ® . Developed based on feedback from established landscape contractors, this product helps deliver a top quality finish. Specification Product Code: WFT-Finisher Supplied to order Application advice ▶ Apply to edges and joins, during or

after the installation of Wildflower Turf, before treading in. It is not designed to be a top dressing as you can smother the existing plants. ▶ Can be used to dress small bare patches that may have been created. ▶ Water area thoroughly using a fine spray or rose head to encourage quick establishment. ▶ The product should be used within 3 days of arrival at site.

Key Points ▶ Wildflower Turf Finisher is designed to fill joins, edges and small gaps for all Wildflower Turf ® projects. ▶ One 20kg bag for approximately every 25m² of Wildflower Turf. ▶ Pre-seeded growing medium using all UK native species (no grass).

Steps to installing the product in joins, gaps and edges:







Cut off the corner of the bag.

Apply Finisher to a depth of 40-50mm.

Compact the Finisher by treading the material down.

Keep watered alongside the Wildflower Turf ® avoiding run-off.


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