Wildflower Turf Product Guide

40 different UK Native species, subject to seed availability. With a minimum of 75% wildflowers to non invasive grasses this turf type is well suited to majority of areas. To produce this environmentally beneficial product, along with the rest of our products, every effort is made to source sustainable ingredients, for example; composted green waste and organic nutrients, as well as carefully monitoring all inputs such as electricity and water. The large amount of species is a great benefit for those wanting to increase biodiversity of an area and attracts a wide range of wildlife. Typical Applications: Shaded sites such as around trees and areas of low direct sunlight, also open wild flower meadows. Min / Max Established Height

Wildflower Shade Tolerant Turf Key product points: ▶ A wild flower turf for all soil types. ▶ Developed alongside Hillier Tree Nurseries to perform well around trees and shaded areas from 20m² to 10,000m². ▶ Shade and drought tolerant. Stock item. About the Product: This Wildflower Turf ® mix has been specifically designed to be installed around slightly more shaded areas, specifically around trees, but is not restricted to this application, it will also thrive in open meadow sites where the extra species will flourish. This turf has a wider variety of flowers and grasses and is made up of over

▶ Min: 30cm ▶ Max: 75cm


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