The Wey Forward March - May 2021
Circuit Prayer Vigil
8.00am Saturday 6 March until 8.00am Sunday 7 March 2021
The Mission Group is once again organising a 24 hour prayer vigil. Whilst there has always been a great need for prayer, it is undeniable that this period of our lives is calling for much more concentrated prayer for our families, our churches and the nation. The prayer vigil will take place over the weekend of 6/7 March 2021, which follows on from the World Day of Prayer on Friday 5 March.
By the time this magazine is published you should have received a prayer ‘aide memoire’ from your church Mission Group representative, communications contact or senior steward plus details of the time slots your church is being asked to cover. Please contact one of these officers if you haven’t received what you need, although both are on the Circuit website. This year more than ever our prayers are needed and for the first time in many years we have no church members on board who can cover our ‘wee small hours’ from different time zones. Thanks in advance to those who interrupt their sleep to keep the 24 hours going. We ask that all those who are leading worship on Sunday 7 March refer to this vigil and bring it to a conclusion in the prayers offered during morning worship.
Please put these dates in your diary.
Circuit Mission Group
Dial a Prayer FREE phone lines for prayers, reflections and news from the Methodist Church Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514 Listen to a pastoral message from the President and Vice President: 0808 281 2695 Listen to our Podcast: 0808 281 2478
Prayer updated every Thursday, Presidential message updated every Monday, Methodist Podcast updated on first and third Thursday of the month. Please share these numbers locally with people who are not online and may feel very isolated and in need of spiritual comfort.
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