Wessex Fertility - Consultation Booklet

Obligatory Screening Tests

Success Rates IVF Fresh and Frozen Pregnancy Results Jan - Dec 2019 Fresh IVF Cycles

IF I AM A BLOOD DONOR DO I STILL NEED TO HAVE ALL THE TESTS? We can accept a photocopy of your blood donor card for your blood group but all other infection screening will need to be done at the clinic. WHAT HAPPENS IF I HAVE ALREADY HAD SCREENING TESTS TAKEN ELSEWHERE? The screening tests must be current i.e. for infection screening within 3 months for all first IVF or IUI treatments or the last 24 months for further treatments and all tests must include all those tests detailed on the chart above. You may provide us with a copy of the results but the document must clearly state: • Your name and date of birth; • The date the test was carried out; • A list of what was screened and the result. CAN I ASK MY GP TO DO MY SCREENING TESTS? GP surgeries will not undertake the required NAAT testing for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. CAN YOU TREAT SOMEONE BEFORE THE TEST RESULTS ARE KNOWN? We are not able to treat anyone without having the obligatory screening results in place prior to booking a consenting appointment. HOW CAN I ARRANGE THESE TESTS? Screening tests are booked by ringing Wessex Fertility on 023 8070 6000. Appointments are available at Southampton or one of the satellite clinics. It is your responsibility to ensure the results are forwarded to us with the correct information prior to booking your consenting appointment.

Female Age

Positive Pregnancy Test Rate

Clinical Pregnancy Rate

37 years and under 38 years and over

43.4% 33.5%

33.5% 26.4%

Pregnancy Results Jan - Dec 2019 Frozen IVF Cycles

Female Age

Positive Pregnancy Test Rate

Clinical Pregnancy Rate

37 years and under 38 years and over


47.4% 33.7%



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