Tulchan Club Scotland

The most comfortable of cinema rooms below and the gun room opposite

GARDENS & GROUNDS Fine gardens, grounds and policy woodlands surround the lodge and play a key role in its glorious setting, reflecting the elegance and aesthetic of the building itself whilst providing a tranquil and restful place in which to relax after a hard day’s sport. Overlooking the Spey and sloping gently downwards, the gardens are south-facing, with annual and perennial plantings, extensive areas of lawn and a blend of ornamental and wild flowers, ensuring that there is seasonal color throughout the year. Located only a short distance to the south of the lodge is the kitchen garden, which has been maintained to provide fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs for use in the lodge. Vegetable

beds, orchard trees and soft fruit bushes, together with four greenhouses and several cold frames, provide fresh produce from the garden all year round. This marvelous resource means that the estate is virtually self-sufficient in fruit and vegetables. Within the grounds and just a stroll away from the lodge is a hard surfaced tennis court.

Tulchan Club Scotland

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