The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 51 No.1 | June 2024
Local Group Programmes
Toni will be speaking to the Winchester Group next year and will explain the Leeds Method with a workshop included. Forthcoming Meetings:
Portsmouth Part 2
June 20th July 18th
Andrew Negus
Susan Spain-Dunk FRAM: A woman composer, conductor and musician in the first half of the twentieth century Dave Gibson
September 19th Lost, Stolen or Strayed
Sue Ellis
Contact: Organiser: Kay Lovell Email:
All meetings are via Zoom and at various UK times to allow overseas members to join in. International Group
Forthcoming Meetings:
June 5th 8:00 pm: [BST] The New Forest: a landscape shaped by the ancient tradition of commoning Suzanne Kempe From the times of William the Conqueror this beautiful area has been grazed by commoners’ livestock with the result that it is home to one of the most important heathland, ancient woodland and mire landscapes to be found in Europe. This is a fully illustrated talk, using Suzanne’s own spectacular photographs, looking at the New Forest throughout the seasons of the year and features how the livestock are vital for the survival of many rare species - both flora and fauna. In particular we learn about the importance of 'commoning' and other traditional methods of maintaining this very special landscape. August 3rd 10:00 am: [BST] The Rise and Demise of Union Workhouses Sally Gardiner This talk covers the pre-history of the workhouse system from the 16th Century, describes its structure and life within Union workhouses through to their demise in the early 20th Century.
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