The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 51 No.1 | June 2024

From our Archives

Chairman, Tony Sinclair

Miss M Brown - to become ‘yours truly’ in 1977 (Surname Referral Index/Catalogue of Members' Interests) Mrs S Crichton (Membership Secretary): Miss G Martin and C Colpus (Committee Members). As Editor, Peter Christie, being a student at Portsmouth University, was able to take advantage of duplicating facilities, and thus the Society’s first issue of The Family History Journal appeared in February 1974, consisting of 22 A4 pages painstakingly produced on a Roneo duplicator. Peter continued until May 1975, when his studies were over, to be followed by D Moore, and, in May 1976, by Betty Edwards. The journal was becoming an enormous task, so in August 1977 the step was taken to use a local printing firm and to reduce it to its present size. Nevertheless, volunteer members still had the job of putting the journals in envelopes and taking them to the post office en bloc, separating inland from overseas. Although not often involved in this job, I remember we had to warn the post office on the day to expect boxes of journals for stamping and posting, with them presenting the bill to the Society in due course. At the first AGM the Treasurer reported that from January to April 1974 the balance in hand was £13.44. A query was raised as to whether single membership subscription of £2.50 was perhaps excessive! However, this was increased in April 1975 to £3.00, and by 1976 funds stood at £98.98, having purchased that year our own duplicator for £59! Our first venture into publicising ourselves to

the wider world was at 'Heritage 74' held at Brighton, and sponsored by the Society of Genealogists. In June 1974 we became a member of the newly formed Federation of Family History Societies - our representative at their meetings was the leader of our new North Hampshire Group, Cynthia Read, until she became Mrs Walcot in August 1976, and moved out of the area. The 1975 AGM - under the Chairmanship of George Wakelin - saw the Society become countywide – with a change of name to The Hampshire Genealogical Society, together with the journal now being known as The Hampshire Family Historian, and our first President was The Right Rev J K Cavell, MA, Bishop of Southampton. August 1975 saw us at the Southsea Show. I remember George Wakelin recalling that when he asked one lady, who had stopped at our stand, where her ancestors were from, she replied “I have no ancestors!!” The Society held its first all-day Conference in October 1977, combined with hosting the Federation’s half-yearly meeting. I recall an evening function at The Queen’s Hotel, Southsea, organised by Jon Baker. At the first meeting in January 1974 Michael Walcot’s advice was: “Get as much information from older relatives; never believe implicitly in printed or old pedigrees; always prepare fully before visiting record offices; and, finally, never think you have finished!” Here we are 40 years later, and, despite all the advanced technology and know-how, we would do well to still remember this advice. Muriel Allen (Member #6)


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