The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 50 No.3 | Dec 2023

Local Group Programmes

Meetings Some groups are having their meetings online or as hybrids with people at the venue and via Zoom. To join these please email the group leader for details. Please check the HGS Website for the latest details of where/how the meetings will take place. You can join in with the international or national group meetings by Zoom.

Contact: Jane Hurst – 82, The Butts, Alton, Hants GU34 1RD Tel: 01420 86701 Email:

Alton Meetings are normally held monthly on the second Monday at 7:30 p.m. in All Saints Church Hall, Queens Road, Alton.

Forthcoming Meetings:

No details available.

Andover Meetings are normally held on the second Thursday, September to July, commencing 7.30p.m. at The Fairground Hall, Weyhill, Andover SP11 0QN Reports by Richard Backhouse (September) The Real Downton Abbey – Ian Porter Ian gave us an entertaining presentation about the lives of those people in service, using just notes, photographic handouts and some references to the TV series. It was not a genealogical talk as such, but we were given a valuable insight into the running of large houses and estates in which our ancestors may have worked and lived. Ian described the running of large houses and the numerous staff employed. Those working outside - looking after the gardens, produce and livestock - were more numerous and more respected than those working inside. There were strict demarcations throughout the household. Lowly house maids, were expected to not be seen by their employers and secret passages were used to ensure they never met! Most servants were referred to by their surname and maids wore much-hated caps. The hours and conditions were long and tough - working 6½ days a week, starting at 6.30am. Some jobs – like the butler and footmen - were more prestigious than others and enabled them to make money on the side, typically selling partially used candles. Other jobs – like ladies’ maids and children’s nurses - required staff to get closer to their employers and they were often unpopular with other servants. Contact: Email:


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