The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 50 No.3 | Dec 2023
News from the Hampshire Archives
Roberts during his research into Hampshire's historic buildings and architecture, comprising notes, archaeological reports and surveys, plans, drawings and photographs of tithe barns, farms and residential buildings, c1990s-2000s; oral history interviews with Hampshire residents carried out in 1970s and '80s; notebook and files comprising information about the Bishopric of Winchester Estates collection including the Pipe Rolls, used for buildings research, c1990s. (80A23 awaiting cataloguing) Bere Forest report: Bere Forest 'Working Plan', comprising a detailed plan for management of the Forest for the period 1962-71, looking at livestock and crops, roads and access, vehicles and machinery, nurseries, staff and labour, buildings, etc., compiled by the Forestry Commission, undated [c1960] (85A23) Southern Policy Centre, Winchester: series of reports, conference and seminar notes, and opinion pieces published by Southern Policy Centre, looking at aspects of public policy in the central southern region of England, c2015 22 (91A23 awaiting cataloguing) Basingstoke Carnival programmes: published programmes for Basingstoke Carnivals, c1951-94 (94A23, awaiting cataloguing) Wessex Film and Sound Archive Recent accessions include the following Berkshire Record Office: 8mm (5 reels) - films from Reading St Giles parish, 1952 1966; 8mm films (36) films from Bullbrook School, Bracknell, 1960s-1980s (AV768) Southampton Holiday Fellowship Group: VHS tape of Southampton Holiday Fellowship
trip to the Cotswolds, Nov 1998; cassette tape and CD of interview with Derek Richards on Radio Solent, 19 Jul 2005 (AV1680) Milford on Sea Historical Record Society: VHS tapes (10), including Son et Lumiere, 1971, 'Milford-On-Sea 1890-2000 and 'History of Milford and District' by Gerald Mogg, Life in Milford and Keyhaven during the Millennium', Spirit of the Spire, 2000 , the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations, Music Hall, 2002 and compilations of TV programmes of local interest; cassette tapes (24), mostly recordings of talks given to the Milford on Sea Historical Record Society, 1996-2003 (AV168) Events Our programme of events for the autumn and early winter is online at chives/events , so if you are looking for something to do as the evenings draw in, book now for Behind the Scenes Tours, or, if you are planning to visit HRO, check which exhibition will be on display in the foyer. From now until 20th December, we have ‘Looking Back 50 Years: Petersfield Area Historical Society 1973 – 2023’. In 2024, we will be offering a mixture of tours, talks and classes, with topics ranging from palaeography to mental health records. We’re also hoping to introduce a speaker from Ancestry on making family history television, maybe with some DNA kits… Watch this space! For more news and snippets about our work, follow us on social media – links at the foot of our web pages Hampshire Archives and Local Studies | Hampshire County Council (
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