The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 50 No.1 | June 2023
HGS News
the smooth running of the Society going forward. With the addition of these new posts, the following vacancies exist: Vice-Chairman Assistant (Minutes) Secretary Research Manager Office Manager Sales Manager/Assistant Stock Controller Romsey Group Organiser Trustee* *We require an additional Trustee. The successful applicant would be co-opted onto the Executive Committee, then voted in at the AGM. This person does not have to hold a named post but equally could be one of the other above post-holders. Trustees will need to understand the requirements of managing and running HGS, a Charitable Trust. A Trustee is expected to attend usually six Executive Committee meetings a year (mostly via Zoom) and participate in decision-making and voting on operational matters which may require expenditure. If you would like further information on the role of a charity trustee, the following link to the Government website may be helpful: he-essential-trustee-what-you-need-to-know cc3/the-essential-trustee-what-you-need-to-kn ow-what-you-need-to-do Vice-Chairman: You don’t need to have previous experience of the running of HGS but
it may help if you are familiar with the running of organisations staffed by volunteers, office life, hosting meetings, etc. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are two of the Principal Officers of the Society responsible for leading the Executive Team, and chairing meetings in line with our Constitution to ensure the aims of the Society are met. The Vice-Chairman essentially backs up the Chairman, but the two roles can be split and shared. Anyone coming forward will not be on their own – other members will be able to offer guidance/training, as with all the roles. Assistant (Minutes) Secretary: There is a job description on the HGS website for the role of Minutes Secretary but this is likely to be adapted for the new role of Assistant (Minutes) Secretary: vacancies/ Other new roles: Exact details of these are still being discussed – volunteers could well have an input if recruited quickly. Some of these post-holders may need to visit the HGS Office at Hampshire Record Office, Winchester or elsewhere from time to time. Executive Meetings are mainly carried out over Zoom, with occasional face to face meetings. Many responsibilities can be managed from home. The Society is entirely run by volunteers but has for some time been operating with far too small a number of them, and this needs to change in order to be sustainable. Several of
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