The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 50 No.1 | June 2023
Local Group Programmes
Judith told us about a boatman in her family who tried to stop smugglers. He moved around the south coast from Cornwall to Norfolk but was hard to track down. Records were found in Shoreham and Judith suspects these records are not transcribed commercially. She found his death in a newspaper report. Terry collects old prints of Chilbolton and one day found one attributed to ancestor D. E. Gilmour. This had been taken from a book called ‘Mudie’s Hampshire’ by Edwards, that enabled Terry to uncover publishing and library links to the Robbins’ family. Maggie showed us an autograph book belonging to her great Aunt Sarah. She had returned from living in Canada to Wiltshire but the autographs are mainly from Australian field gunners who were camped in the area at the time. She clearly knew them very well. The evening ended with Terry inviting the group to offer their appreciation to John and Margaret Bowman who are stepping down from the committee after many years of excellent work and dedication. Forthcoming Meetings:
Have you a 19th century Army Ancestor?
June 8th July 13th
Maggie Eltham
History of the Weyhill Fairground
Tony Raper
No meeting
August 10th
The Real Downton Abbey
September 14th
Ian Porter
Basingstoke Meetings normally commence at 7. 30 p.m. and are held on the fourth Wednesday every month (except August and December) at St Michael’s Church Cottage Hall, Church Street. Contact: Email:
No reports received Forthcoming Meetings:
From Grub Street to Fleet Street
June 28th July 26th
Bob Clarke
Members’ Evening: Hands-on with Leases – how to read, interpret and understand
Led by Jane Hussey
August 23th Afternoon Outing September 27th Members’ Evening: Short research updates from members – progress, brick walls, etc.
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