The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 50 No.1 | June 2023

News from the Hampshire Archives

Council minutes, 1969-89 (3 vols), 1989-2008 (loose minutes); Annual Parish Meeting minute book, 1979-89; planning meeting minutes, 2008-13; receipt and payment account books, 1939-2008 (3 vols); volume of statements of receipts and payments of the Parish Council, 1959; petty cash book, 1967-2008; collecting and deposit book for Basingstoke Union, North Waltham parish, 1891-4; precept receipt book, 1897-1972; declarations of Parish Councillors book, 1897-1972. (201M85) Fawley Parish Council: minutes of Fawley Parish Council and committees, 1958-2016; Declaration of acceptance of office book, 1966-1986 (95A22) Whitehill Town Council: Parish and Town Council minutes including committee minutes, 1929-1976, 1980-1981, 1984-2020; committee minutes, Finance and Policy/Finance and Amenities Committee, 2006-2012, Planning and Amenities/Planning, 2006-2013. Amenities Committee, 2014-2019, Policy and Resources Committee, 2014-2019, Greenspace sub-committee, 2016-2019; minutes of Annual Parish Meetings, 1946 1969; account book, 1982-1986, cash book, 1984-1986 (30A23) Hospital records Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples Hospital and Orthopaedic Hospital and The Henry Gauvain Hospital, Alton Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples Hospital - Plaster attendance book, 1911-1929; Out Patients registers, departments 1, 2 and 5, 1911-1915, 1919

1929 (3 vols); Operations books, 1911-1938 (2 vols), 1945-1947; Aspiration book, 1917 1931; Registers of Patients, Sandy Point, Hayling Island, 1919-1939 (4 vols), 1946 1955; Applications register, plastic cases, 1940-1951; Applications register, Alton orthopaedic cases, 1922-1926, 1932-1943 (3 vols), 1952-1954; Lord Mayor Treloar Orthopaedic Hospital - Operation cases, 1949 1971 (3 vols); Registers of operations, 1959-1961, 1964-1967, 1972-1974; Registers of operations, Theatre II and Theatres A-C, 1972-1994 (10 vols); Operations notebook, 1979-1986;Morland Clinics/The Henry Gauvain Hospital - Case notes for TB cases, 1948-1961; Case notes for surgical patients, 1952-1961 (30 files); Case notes for short term patients, 1959-1960 (5 files); X-ray request and report form files, 1948-1960 (5 files); Discharged patients files Dr Capes, 1954-1958; Discharged patients (TB) files, c1946-1959 (8 files); Operations books, 1949 1960 (2 vols) (17A23 – 100 year closure for patient records) Parish records Stratfield Saye Parish - Burial register, 1872-1996 (15M83) Bramley Parish - Burial register, 1903-2003 (63M70) Weston Patrick Parish - Marriage register, 1837-2018 (83M82) Upton Grey Parish - Baptism register, 1875 2001; banns register, 1899-2007; marriage register, 2018-2019; Parochial Church


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