The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 49 No.4 | March 2023

Renewal of membership 2022/2023

THE HAMPSHIRE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Subscrip ti ons Due 1st April 2023 Please complete this page and send it with your subscrip ti on or direct debit mandate to:

The Membership Secretary, Hampshire Genealogical Society 11 Elbe Way, Andover, Hampshire SP10 4LD

Annual subscrip ti on: Single or Joint £15

Dona ti on to General Fund (if desired) £……....…. Total Enclosed £…............ Cheques or Postal Orders (STERLING only drawn on a UK Bank) should be made payable to Hampshire Genealogical Society.

FULL NAME (please use BLOCK CAPITALS) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other ....................................................................................................................... Address ................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. Post/Zip Code...................................................... Telephone Number ................................................. Email ..................................................................................................................................................... Membership Number .........................................Joint membership can apply to two family members at the same address. If so, please state: Name and rela ti onship ......................................................................................................................... Member’s Signature: .......................................... Date:........................................................................ Personal informa ti on supplied on this form and provided by you during your membership, and any communica ti on with the Society, will be used to contact and communicate with you about your enquiry or your membership. It will also be used for administra ti on of the Society membership records. HGS will not provide your personal informa ti on to third par ti es other than for your local HGS Group Organiser to receive your contact details and invite you to a tt end their Group. If you do not wish your contact details to be passed to the local Group Organiser please ti ck this box Our Full data and privacy policy can be viewed on our website or a copy can be requested from the Membership Secretary

Renewals p.2

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