The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 49 No.4 | March 2023

Conference Day and AGM

How to Apply for Tickets

Tickets cost £10.00 and can be purchased at using PayPal or debit/credit card. Alternatively complete the form below and send it with a cheque to: The Membership Secretary, HGS, 11 Elbe Way, Andover, SP10 4LD. If you wish to attend only the AGM it is essential to inform the Membership Secretary to ensure you have a place. Email: or at the above address.

Please complete and return, with your payment, by 1st May 2023. Cheques should be made payable to Hampshire Genealogical Society. Registration form

Full Name Membership Number (if applicable) Address

Post Code

Email address Number of tickets required Name(s) of Joint Members/Guests

AGM p.3

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