The Hampshire Family Historian | Volume 49 No.4 | March 2023
Chairman’s Report
Message from the Chairman I hope you all had a great Christmas and 2023 is going well. You may, like me,
please volunteer if you have the time to do so. In my last Message, I stated that Gwen Newland will step down as a Trustee at
either been treated to or purchased subscriptions to one of the many genealogy websites that are available. Or, like me, purchased a DNA test. Unfortunately, I purchased one and then two days later a better one emerged that would have been most useful. My mother was German and I wonder if my results will show I have Scandinavian genes. The area in Germany was ruled over by Sweden for many decades. I am not expecting any other surprises, but who knows. If you have tried a DNA test, why not share your experience with members through the Journal. By the time you read this edition, I am hopeful that we are now open on a Wednesday in the Hampshire Record Office (HRO). Again, I repeat, if you are local and can help out, please contact either me or Chris the Research Centre Manager. During January and February the Society had a display on show in the foyer of the HRO. This has generated much interest and excellent comments. My thanks go out to the members involved; Phil Brown, Jane Painter, Tony Sinclair and Sue Stannard. Again, these are members already involved in other roles, so
the next AGM in June. Gwen has been a loyal servant of the HGS for 10 years. She has taken on roles such as Minute Secretary, Membership Secretary, Secretary and Webmaster. I really wish to thank Gwen for all the work she has done for the Society. For many months I have been covering both the role of the Chairman and the Secretary. I cannot do both roles and ensure our Society progresses. So please if you are willing to help as either a Minute Secretary or Secretary, I would urge you to contact me. If we can appoint a Minute Secretary, that can remove some of the work the Secretary carries out. We are holding our Conference Day and 49th AGM on Saturday 17th June in Winchester.
Details are available from the Website. This year we will be attending several
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