The Hampshire Family Historian | Vol.48 No.3 | December 2021
Member’s article
The ‘kiln gang’ wore the obligatory waistcoats, but knotted handkerchiefs on their heads and rubber mitts, cut from old vehicle tyres, to protect their hands. The brickworks finally closed in 1974 when the clay was beginning to run out and the works could not comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act. The site was later saved from total demolition by the Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust although some of the land is now
under the tarmac of the M27 motorway! What is left is now a museum. (October) Finding your English and Welsh Ancestors – Fiona Ranger. The talk was presented by our own Fiona Ranger.
Fiona began her talk by outlining the history of the Civil Registration System which began in 1837. The talk was illustrated with personal certificates of Fiona’s, and she went into details of what can sometimes be found on them and tips of perhaps forgotten or unknown information you may find. The history of the censuses from 1801 through to 1911 came next. These were again explained with the use of examples of some of Fiona’s ancestors. The next subject was parish registers, and these were explained through the various Acts that were implemented over the years, including details of the 1812 ‘Act For The Better Regulating, And Preserving Of Parish And Other Registers Of Births, Baptisms, Marriages And Burials In England’ which is popularly referred to as Rose’s Act. For the benefit those of our members who do not live in Hampshire, Fiona felt it important to include as much information as possible that is free to use. Sites that can be consulted for births, marriages, deaths, censuses and parish registers were illustrated and it was useful to be shown how to carry out a search on them. Fiona then continued to discuss the very useful Genuki website. As an example, she used the village where her mother had been evacuated in Hampshire and showed what information can be obtained first of a small village but also, on a larger scale, of the county as a whole. Again, we were shown how certain clues can guide you to an archive you may not have realised may contain further information. There were several other sites that Fiona used to illustrate the wealth of knowledge that is available for free online. Participants were issued with a handout after the talk so there was no need to take notes
during the presentation. Forthcoming Meetings:
Christmas traditions in England and Wales Kay Lovell - via Zoom [8pm GMT] Christmas traditions in England and Wales with an opportunity for members to discuss their own traditions .
1st December
4th December 10:00am Christmas traditions in Britain Kay Lovell - via Zoom [10am GMT]
§ Christmas traditions in England and Wales with an opportunity for members to discuss their own traditions.
No details available
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