The Hampshire Family Historian | Vol.48 No.3 | December 2021
Chairman’s Report
Message from the Chairman
In August the HGS Research Centre opened up in the Hampshire Record Office (HRO) in Winchester after ten years in Cosham, and this has proved to be a success. We have regular volunteers that cover the two periods we are open for HGS members and the public. The Centre is open on Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 10.00 and 16:00. Although the HRO is open on Tuesday to Thursday, we are reviewing additional opening times. However, we need to ensure there are sufficient volunteers to cover this. Should you be able to assist, please contact Chris Pavey our Research Manager or myself. Both HRO and HGS are pleased with the partnership and the one-stop-shop arrangement has seen an increase in footfall and many satisfied customers. In the previous Historian I referred to a 5 Year Strategy Plan. Your executive has set up a team to explore our Society’s strategy over members would like to see from their Society and these suggestions will be considered. The Society will be 50 years old in 2024 and it has been suggested that we look to have a membership of at least 2024 then. Many Family History Societies are finding their membership is falling, but HGS is maintaining its numbers. It is our intention to see this grow. After many years as Membership Secretary the next five years. Previously I asked members to let me know what they as
and latterly Society Secretary, Gwen Newland has given notice that she will step down as HGS Secretary at the AGM in June 2022. Gwen has given sterling
service in both roles. Therefore we are now looking for a person to take on this role. Should you be interested and feel you have the skills to do this role, please contact me. We are still looking for a person to take on the role of Project Coordinator. We need someone
who can manage a team to carryout transcriptions and also make datasets available for either sale or on the HGS
Website. Other positions I would like to have filled is a new post of Minutes Secretary and a Publicity Officer. Again, if you are interested, please contact me. Well I hope you enjoy the rest of this Historian and look forward to meeting as many of you as I can. Well enjoy reading the December Journal and ‘Good Hunting’
Paul Pinhorne Chairman
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