SuDS - Flood Management Solutions
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Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Flood management solutions for your next project.
SuDS Legislation The Flood and Water Management Act (2010) was introduced to provide comprehensive flood risk management for people, homes and businesses. Schedule 3 of the Act outlines a framework for the approval and adoption of drainage systems, including standards for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of SuDS; it is expected to become mandatory by late 2024.
The Impact All new commercial and residential developments must deliver sustainable drainage, with approval from the Local Planning Authority required prior to commencement. These requirements will be strengthened and SuDS Approval Bodies (SABs) will ensure developers meet National Standards. They may deny connections to public sewers if the requisite criteria are not met.
Regulatory Requirements
The SuDS requirements focus on four pillars: Water Attenuation, Water Quality, Biodiversity and Amenity. Sustainable drainage systems should control surface flow rates and volumes, manage the quality of runoff to prevent pollution, create and maintain better habitats for nature and create and sustain better places for people. Planning authorities and SABs will ensure that all new developments fulfil these pillars.
The Biodiversity Advantage It's important to note that as of April 2024, all new developments must provide at least 10% more biodiversity than before and sustainable drainage systems can contribute to this outcome.
SuDS Compliant Planter Our patented, plug-and-play Sustainable Drainage System is designed to fulfil the four pillars of SuDS, managing rainwater runoff and delivering Biodiversity Net Gain for residential and commercial developments.
Delivered direct-to-site Manufactured in the UK Market leading warranty (10 years) Customisable design Bespoke SuDS-specific topsoil
Complex Project? We work with the UK’s leading drainage engineers to manufacture bespoke SuDS solutions. Get in touch
Biodiversity Consulting Our ecological consultants ensure that your project aligns with the highest standards of biodiversity and environmental sustainability. To achieve this, we meticulously evaluate your site, identifying key species, habitats, and ecological features. This assessment provides insight into the current biodiversity status, enabling us to pinpoint potential risks and opportunities for enhancement. Following the baseline assessment, we recommend a tailored solution to meet your specific Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) or Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives. Whether this involves creating green corridors, enhancing native vegetation, or implementing sustainable drainage systems, our solutions seamlessly integrate biodiversity benefits into your project. Lastly, we establish development metrics for ongoing improvement, ensuring continuous enhancement of biodiversity. These metrics offer a clear framework for monitoring progress, enabling you to track improvements and make data-driven decisions that cultivate a connection with nature.
SuDS Compliant Planter Our patented, plug-and-play Sustainable Drainage System is designed to fulfil the four pillars of SuDS, managing rainwater runoff and delivering Biodiversity Net Gain for residential and commercial developments.
Our survey includes:
Delivered direct-to-site Manufactured in the UK Market leading warranty
Biodiversity Net Gain assessment
Ecological monitoring report
(10 years)
Ongoing management plan
Customisable design Bespoke SuDS-specific topsoil
Advice regarding nature-based solutions
Biodiversity Audit Apply for a free consultation with our team of ecological experts. Get in touch
Complex Project? We work with the UK’s leading drainage engineers to manufacture bespoke SuDS solutions.
Get in touch
Specification - High Attenuation SuDS Planter
SuDS specific topsoil Membrane Water attenuation Filtration media
Outflows can be placed left or right, to align with the downpipe on installation.
Dimensions (L,W,H) mm
Total Volume
Water Attenuation
Soil Volume
Filtration Media
Outflow Per second
High Attenuation Planter
1465 x 615 x 770 478 L
350 L
270 L
16 L
< 0.1 L
– With additional wildlife habitats
1465 x 660 x 975 478 L
350 L
270 L
16 L
< 0.1 L
Mid Attenuation Planter
1465 x 615 x 770 478 L
270 L
270 L
208 L
< 0.3 L
– With additional wildlife habitats
1465 x 660 x 975 478 L
270 L
270 L
208 L
< 0.3 L
Ground Infiltration Planter
1465 x 615 x 770 478 L
210 L
500 L
0 L
< 1.0 L
– With additional wildlife habitats
1465 x 660 x 975 478 L
210 L
500 L
0 L
< 1.0 L
*All units include a 10-year guarantee. T&Cs apply.
BioScapes SuDS Planters Our surface-mounted SuDS planters provide a quick, flexible, and regulatory-compliant flood management solution. Learn more at
About BioScapes helps companies exceed their sustainability objectives with innovative solutions that enhance biodiversity and restore our connection with nature.
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