HawkTalk Issue 94 Summer 2023



Bravo Cedric! At the end of April, our National Bird of Prey Hospital™ Manager Cedric Robert completed his first ever London Marathon! A veteran marathon runner, Cedric often prefers running through countryside terrain. But with a change of scenery, running the iconic route through the streets of London, Cedric managed to run his fastest marathon ever, crossing the line with an outstanding time of three hours and 39 minutes! With your incredible support, Cedric has smashed his original target and raised over £6,500 for the work of our UK Conservation Biologist Dr Matt Stevens on the Raptor Nest Box Project. These vital funds will go towards purchasing new equipment for Matt as he installs, monitors and repairs over 1,200 nest boxes for Tawny Owls, Little Owls, Barn Owls and Kestrels! Thank you so much to everyone who supported Cedric on his London Marathon fundraiser!

A tribute to Paris and Entrea Sadly, Entrea the Pearl-spotted Owlet and Paris the Black Kite have passed away. Reaching 16 years of age, a fantastic age for a bird of this size, Entrea enjoyed a peaceful life being cared for by Bird Team member Katy Barnes. Her age didn’t stop her from pouncing on mealworms Katy had hidden around her aviary at lightning speed! Entrea may have been the smallest of our owl team, but she leaves a large hole in our hearts. Paris was the oldest of our Black Kite team, at an incredible age of 29 years, and the matriarch of the flying team. Nearly every Black Kite on our team is descended from her! Over the last few years Paris had been enjoying a peaceful retirement. She was an incredible bird and missed by us all.



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