HawkTalk Issue 90 Spring 2022
It’s o-FISH-al … British fishing birds of prey are awesome!
Species: Osprey Scientific name: Pandion haliaetus
DID YOU KNOW? Most British Ospreys migrate to West African countries such as Senegal, which is a distance of around 3000km!
UK Conservation Status: Amber Wingspan: 145-170cm UK population size: 200-250 breeding pairs
WHAT DO THEY EAT? Yes, unsurprisingly, they mostly eat fish! Ospreys are piscivores, which means they are fish specialists. They are perfectly adapted to catch them and can dive feet first into the water. They use their powerful talons to pierce the fish and pull it up to the surface. They have a reversible outer toe, an adaptation which they use to point the fish forward. Slightly different from the Osprey, White-tailed Eagles primarily catch fish, but also eat mammals and birds such as gulls. They also often scavenge at carcasses. White-tailed Eagles are opportunistic and regularly steal other birds’ food; this is called ‘kleptoparasitism’ – or just plain old-fashioned piracy!
WHERE CAN WE SPOT THEM? Ospreys breed in the UK in summer and migrate to sub- Saharan Africa in winter. In the UK, most Ospreys nest in Scotland but they are also found in parts of England and Wales. They nest close to lakes, rivers and along coastal regions and tend to prefer sheltered areas where waters are calmer for easier foraging. Ospreys are often seen along the south coast during their spring and autumn migrations. White-tailed Eagles are found along rocky coastlines, estuaries, and lakes near the sea. Most of the UK population are found on the west coast of Scotland. However, reintroduction programmes on the east coast of Scotland, in Ireland and on the Isle of Wight, along with their tendency to range widely when young, mean it is now possible to encounter this incredible ‘flying barn door’ almost anywhere in the UK!
DID YOU KNOW? Due to persecution, White-tailed Eagles went extinct in the UK in 1918, returning to our skies 60 years later when reintroductions began.
Species: White-tailed Eagle Scientific name: Haliaeetus albicilla
UK Conservation Status: Amber Wingspan: 200-245cm UK population size: 150 breeding pairs
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