Hawk Conservancy Trust Newsletter Spring 2021 Issue 87





Simon Christer with Wallace, our young Bald Eagle

100 Club In March, you will have received an email about the 100 Club, and it produced a wonderful response. By the end of that month, we had 221 shares allocated to 178 members, the highest numbers the 100 Club has seen in its 27 years of operation! Thank you!. The easing of lockdown regulations meant we were finally able to carry out our four postponed monthly draws, albeit al fresco in a neighbour’s garden, and we are now thankfully back on track. Congratulations to the 12 winners who recently received their cheques. Our page on the Trust’s website is updated monthly with the latest prize money and donations figures: www.hawk-conservancy.org/support-us/100-club. So far this year, the 100 Club has donated £1,000 to provide materials for new nest boxes to be used by Dr Matt Stevens as part of the Raptor Nest Box Project, and will meet the cost of some specialist equipment for his use. We also plan to pay for materials to build new night quarters for Angola the Secretary Bird. The rest of our funds are to be allowed to build up so that the Trust has a usable amount at their disposal should they need it. Due to poor weather our planned special evening for 100 Club members has been postponed to Friday 11 June. We’re looking forward to enjoying this evening with you, and it will include a flying demonstrations and a tour of past projects, a presentation or two, and refreshments. Numbers will have to be limited still, but we look forward to meeting as many of you as possible on the night – all suitably masked, sanitised and distanced, of course. A quick plea from us: data protection regulations prevent Trust staff from advising us of members’ changes of address or other details. Could 100 Club members please try to remember to contact us as well as the office if any changes in personal information needs to be made? Thank you. With all good wishes for a safe and enjoyable spring. Thelma and John Cobbold

This event will include: • Introductions to the newest members of our team, and a chance to see some of their early flights and training. We hope to introduce you to Wallace and Sam (Bald Eagles), and Arthur (our newest White-headed Vulture). We’ll also be flying some of our young birds still in training, which may include Sarabi the Lugger Falcon! • Overview of all our latest work in the National Bird of Prey Hospital™ with Cedric Robert • Updates of all our conservation and research work from the past year, with Hannah Shaw • An insight to our latest education work with Miriam Nicholls • Announcement of the overall winner of our 2020 Photographic Competition ( June event only) • Barbecue (£5 per person) This event is FREE to attend for all members* and this year we are asking you to pre-book your place through our website. Please go to www.hawk-conservancy.org/events or call us on 01264 773 850. You will need your membership number (shown on your card) to hand and there will be an option to pre-book your barbecue at the same time. We look forward to seeing you!

Exclusive Members’ Event Each year, we invite you to our exclusive event to thank you for your continued support. Last year, we held this event virtually but, pending further lifting of government restrictions, we hope to be able to hold this on site this year. Due to the need for social distancing, we are limiting the number of attendees at this event and to cater for popular demand we have two dates for you to choose from: Saturday 5 June or Saturday 4 September. Please only book one event so that we can welcome as many of you as possible.

Tribute to Scarlett

It is with much sadness that we share with you news of the passing of our cherished Red Kite, Scarlett. She has been a member of our team since 2010 and was best- known for her striking good looks and raucous calling! She was a really cheeky and lively character, and enjoyed keeping our team on their toes. You would often hear her calling to members of our team near her aviary, as well as to nearby wild kites. Scarlett was a wonderful bird to have on our team and will be sorely missed. Scarlett lived at a number of other collections before she joined us at the Trust. She was even in the care of Miriam from our Bird Team before she too joined the Trust! In her time with us, she has proven to be an absolute favourite amongst photographers lucky enough to capture her beauty in Photographic Experiences. She has also flown in some of our quieter displays and experiences, preferring smaller groups of people. Tom Morath, who had most recently been caring for and working closely with Scarlett, said, “I am very sorry indeed that Scarlett has passed away, having worked with her for around six months. She was a beautiful bird of experience and true character. She’d look at me with a knowing eye and probably trained me more than I trained her – she’d done it all before! I had the great privilege during that time to fly her in Reg’s Wildflower Meadow – just her and me and even a handful of times for our British Bird Encounter. To see her up in the air, alongside her wild counterparts and commanding the sky, was magical. I’ll also miss her morning greeting as I walk to get ready for the day – she always had something to say to anyone who passed by.” In the autumn of last year, Scarlett was diagnosed with a heart condition linked with old age. She received treatment for this and responded well. However, just before the New Year she quickly took a turn for the worse and was rushed to our vet. Sadly, there was nothing more that we could do for her and so we took the heart-breaking decision to have her put to sleep.

*Excludes off-peak members

As with previous years, we were amazed at the incredible entries to our 2020 Photographic Competition. In 2020, we had the highest number of entrants to the competition we’ve ever had and this provided our judges with an extra challenge to select their winners who are as follows:



Highly Commended


Jeff Wade

Sharon Bolt


Martin Aves

Carole Zimmerman

New Life Members

Flora and Fauna

Monica Johnson

Monica Johnson

All winning and highly commended images will be displayed in Feathers Restaurant this year and will be featured in the 2022 Hawk Conservancy Trust calendar. The overall winner, as judged by Chris Packham, will be announced during our Exclusive Members’ Event on Saturday 5 June, when the calendar will also go on sale. Working Relationship Carole Zimmerman Paul Tiller In the Wild Keith Elcombe Laura Holm Impression Joanne Cattle Sara Yates

We welcome all new members and appreciate their support. We are pleased to have on board Elizabeth Burak, Mark Pearce, Miranda Shelton, Tim and Rosemary Bancroft, and Andrew Gibbs.

If you’ve taken any striking photos of birds of prey, why not enter them into our 2021 Photographic Competition via www.hawk-conservancy.org/ your-visit/photographic-competition

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